acknowledged : Definition, Synonyms, Usage in Word Games & More


  • To admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in
  • To own or recognize in a particular quality, character or relationship; to admit the claims or authority of; to give recognition to.
  • To be grateful of (e.g. a benefit or a favour)
  • To report (the receipt of a message to its sender).
  • To own as genuine or valid; to assent to (a legal instrument) to give it validity; to avow or admit in legal form.

Length of Word acknowledged

The length of the word "acknowledged" is 12 letters. Also check more 12 letter words and 12 Letter words starting with a.

Word Games

Is acknowledged a Valid Scrabble Word?

Yes, acknowledged is a valid word that can be used in the game Scrabble. It is worth 24 points in Scrabble. Find more words using our Scrabble Word Finder.

Is acknowledged a Valid Word for Words with Friends?

Yes, acknowledged is a Valid word. Find more valid words using our Words With Friends Generator.

Is acknowledged a Valid Wordle Word?

Yes. acknowledged is not a Valid word for Wordle. Try our Wordle Word Finder

Unscramble of word acknowledged

There are x number of Unscramble words that you can create using the word acknowledged.