buoyancy : Definition, Synonyms, Usage in Word Games & More


  • The upward force on a body immersed or partly immersed in a fluid.
  • The ability of an object to stay afloat in a fluid.
  • (by extension) Resilience or cheerfulness.

Length of Word buoyancy

The length of the word "buoyancy" is 8 letters. Also check more 8 letter words and 8 Letter words starting with b.

Word Games

Is buoyancy a Valid Scrabble Word?

Yes, buoyancy is a valid word that can be used in the game Scrabble. It is worth 18 points in Scrabble. Find more words using our Scrabble Word Finder.

Is buoyancy a Valid Word for Words with Friends?

Yes, buoyancy is a Valid word. Find more valid words using our Words With Friends Generator.

Is buoyancy a Valid Wordle Word?

Yes. buoyancy is not a Valid word for Wordle. Try our Wordle Word Finder

Unscramble of word buoyancy

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Other Word List

Also check words starting with buoyancy, words ending with buoyancy and words with buoyancy.